After a 10 day jury trial in Los Angeles in December of 2019, production assistant, Mahim Khan, was awarded a verdict totaling $58,250,000 against Alki David Productions, Inc., FilmOn TV, Inc., and Alkiviades David for egregious sexual harassment and sexual battery over a continuing period from December 2014 to September 2015. The jurors delivered justice to send a strong message to the world of entertainment that subordinate employees are not lifeless playthings of wealthy executives. It's never easy to come forward and take on wealthy executives. Ms. Khan's case delivered not only justice for herself, but justice for many women and subordinates in the future that work in entertainment. Of the $58,250,000 in damages, 50 million of that are punitive damages. Punitive damages are meant to punish the defendant so that they never do this to anyone again in the future.
Ms. Khan alleged she was subjected to egregious sexual harassment, sexual battery and battery by the CEO, defendant Alkiviades David during her employment between December 2014 through September 2015 when she was constructively terminated.
Some of the incidents which gave rise to the lawsuit included allegations that: Mr. David would regularly come into Ms. Khan’s cubicle, walk to where she was sitting and swivel her chair around until she faced him. Mr. David would either pull his pants down, or sometimes would undo his belt and unzip his pants, grab Ms. Khan by the head, push it down and thrust his pelvic area into her face, and make loud moaning sounds as though simulating having sex. When he finished, he swiveled Ms. Khan’s chair back toward her desk, pulled up his pants or zipped up his pants and/or buckle his belt and loudly saying “Thanks MK” as he walked away.
Mr. David put his hand in between Ms. Khan’s thighs and grabbed her vagina. Mr. David said, “mmm, this is nice. I like this area.”
Ms. Khan was meeting with Mr. David and a male client in a conference room. When Ms. Khan stood up and asked the client if she could get him anything, Mr. David approached Ms. Khan and with force pushed her into a chair. He then straddled her on the chair, put his hand on her head and began to perform a lap dance as he pulled her head back and forth while making thrusting movements simulating intercourse.
At one time, Mr. David came up from behind her, and grabbed her breasts and squeezed them.
When Mr. David passed by Ms. Khan he attempted to hug her by grabbing her tightly to his body, and tried to kiss her.
When Mr. David passed by Ms. Khan, he slapped her buttocks.
More grotesque, Mr. David forced Ms. Khan to watch "2 Girls 1 Cup" video which depicts two women defecating on each other and also shows women taking turns consuming the excrement and women vomiting into each other's mouths.
Ms. Khan came forward and filed her claims against them in March of 2017. After a long fight for more than two years in court, the Jury awarded her over 58 Million in December of 2019.
